We are delighted to welcome the Reverend Dr. Sheila Rubdi as interim minister, beginning April 1, 2024.  Reverend Sheila comes to us with 31 years of settled ministry serving churches in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, and 5 years of Intentional Interim Ministry at churches in Harwich and Wellfleet, MA.

​​Reverend Sheila grew up in South India, the daughter of an Anglican priest, and was baptized by an American Missionary amidst a predominantly non-Christian society and culture. In 1981, after her father died in San Diego, CA,  she began her journey to becoming an ordained minister. She graduated from Theological Seminary in Maine in 1987 and ever since has found engaging in Christian ministry a privilege, thereby finding the joy of serving God’s people in various communities as a rewarding experience enriching her life. 

Reverend Sheila and her husband, Victor, are excited to serve the congregation and their neighbors at the Community Church of Pepperell.

Our Interim Minister

Introducing Reverend Dr. Sheila Sathyanathan Rubdi, Interim Minister to the Community Church of Pepperell